Look11 show at The Bluecoat Arts Centre

Published on Thu Jul 21, 2011 by

"Out on the Streets"

"As public sector service cuts take place and plans about changes to the higher education system come into effect, there has been an uprising in street protest in the UK.

The project shows both peaceful and violent reactions to changes in society under a new Government and the response from police and stewards trying to control events. It poses questions about the effectiveness of police tactics during modern demonstrations, the validity of new and alternative methods of protest used by some groups and the sudden re-awakening of a student political movement."

The below images were exhibited at The Bluecoat Arts Centre in Liverpool as part of the Look 11 Photography Festival 13th May to 26th June 2011. Also images from this show have featured in national media recently.

The festival was a great success, hopefully I will get the opportunity to work with this festival again in the future.

UK Uncut in Liverpool outside Vodafone

UK Uncut, BHS, Oxford Street, London 26/03/2011

UK Uncut Oxford Street, London 26/03/2011

UK Uncut activists Liverpool HSBC

Student protest Liverpool

Student protest Liverpool

Arrest at student demonstration UK Manchester

Student demo UK

Trade union demonstration Liverpool England

Demo Liverpool

London Trafalgar Square March 26th 2011

Arrest at student demonstration UK Manchester

Black bloc at demonstration in London

Tax loopholes

UK Uncut activists Liverpool Natwest

UK Uncut activists Liverpool HSBC

You can view / follow me / comment on this work on the Behance network - Out on the Streets - Look11 exhibition


Tags: exhibition, uk-uncut, protest, demo, demonstration, personal

Author: David J Colbran

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