Liverpool based Industrial photographer hits great heights

Published on Wed Jun 8, 2016 by

A few weeks back I was commissioned by a PR company who look after a UK based manufacturing business, who make top of the range building insulation material. They specifically needed images of the product being installed and had worked with the construction company to allow me access and some willing volunteers to appear in the shots. All great until I arrived on site at the new Royal Liverpool Hospital and the foreman explained the installation was now at the 6th floor ! I was shown the building crane and talked through a few safety rules - trying to not appear nervous of heights, I readied my equipment and climbed aboard.

It actually wasn't as scary as I imagined - the crane was totally secure, didn't wobble and I was looked after by a great, experienced team. At the correct level, we got the images of the insulation as required. And before too long we were heading down to street level, for some more regular industrial photography of the construction site itself. All in all, an interesting mornings work !

Photographer working at height in Liverpool at the new hospital

Liverpool industry photographer on a construction site

Royal Liverpool Hospital photographer on site

Construction photography on site during product installation

Merseyside photographer on an industrial commission in Liverpool

Tags: industry, industrial

Author: David J Colbran

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"David is a highly experienced professional photographer and I would happily recommend him to any potential client. He has delivered excellent results for me on a number of projects over the years and his style is highly consultative at all times. If you need any more details please let me know."

Ian Mountford, Director at Fit for Social PR

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